Welcome to Austin Andrew

Austin Andrew is a specialist recruitment firm with expertise in Internal Audit, Compliance, Operations, Risk Management and Finance & Accounting. 

Our head office is in London but our international coverage includes the UK, Europe and the Middle East. We were founded in 2006.

Our goal is to build robust controls and strong corporate governance for our clients.

We aim to establish long-term relationships, built upon mutual trust and respect and a true understanding of what makes your business successful.

Our highly experienced team of recruiters all have at least 15 years experience in their specialist vertical. 

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Greater London
We’re working with a global banking organisation to recruit a Data Governance professional into their data governance team. The firm has a reputation for stability and has offices around the world – the London office is based in the City. They operate a hybrid working policy and you will be in the office for circa 50% of the time.
c£85K (flexible).
City of London
A fantastic opportunity (6 month FTC) for a Qualified Accountant with experience of Regulatory Reporting - COREP/FINREP & PRA 110.
Greater London
We are working closely with a multi -billion alternative asset manager , looking after global assets in both the private and public markets This is a unique role in that it reports into both the global head of marketing and communications in London but also as a matrix into the global chief compliance officer overseas As such the role the role can also be undertake remotely , and will primarily ...
£80000 - £90000 + bonus
Greater London
A growing Hedge Fund is looking to recruit a Fund Accountant.
£700 - £800 / day
City of London
An opportunity for an FRTB Regulatory lead to be the FRTB Subject Matter Expert for a Global Bank based in London
Greater London
Our client is the investment arm of a premier global banking group It maintains a seperate London office and has a global reach This role will report into the Head of UK Compliance

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